Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is transforming rapidly our society and has a great effect on our view on learning and teaching.  One of the most important factor of this field is that it is so fast paced, ever-changing entity that it might easily overwhelm students, teachers, and parents.

In this blog I will provide insight and practical step by step how-to’s of how to integrate ICT into Primary Years Programme, take ownership of different technologies that are useful, and improve virtual and physical learning environments in school.


  • Writing and Reading- An Inquiry way to integrate ICT in early years classroom. A systematic and researched model to teach writing and reading.
  • Integrated reading program – Raz-Kids
  1. Teacher How-To: Setup Running Records
  2. Parent How-To: Reading with iPads
  • Classroom management system – Classdojo
  • iPad integration – making a shift from a consumer of knowledge to a producer of knowledge.
  • Free Software – bringing in software that is meant for schools not corporations.
  • ICT Scope and Sequence – an evolving document that approaches ICT integration through concepts and skills.
  • Learning Management Systems – what are the benefits and differences between different systems and why should we use blended models at school.
  • Collaborative Planning tools – How can we effectively manage our planning, assessment, attendance, reporting, and communication.
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