The transdisciplinary themes remain the same and continue to be central to the structure of the program of inquiry (POI). The descriptors have moved from commonalities of human experience to …

Learning Designer
Learning Designer
The transdisciplinary themes remain the same and continue to be central to the structure of the program of inquiry (POI). The descriptors have moved from commonalities of human experience to …
Book Creator’s Be An Author Month is a wonderful opportunity to empower primary students to discover their inner authors. This initiative guides young learners through the entire writing process. It …
I have made some PYP Graphics to share:
The most significant and distinctive feature of the IB Primary Years Programme are the six transdisciplinary themes
Introducing Self-Determined Learning PYP review process is nearly ready to publish all the enhancements, we should be getting the transition guidelines in June and the new digital platform ought to …
Here is a list of some of the tools that you can use with students when you have Google Edu Apps: Privacy and Security Tools Ensure your students’ (and your!) …
Welcome to my professional blog! I will cross publish and collect here all my writings from my other platforms as well. Should you head over to My Journey page. You could find …
Dear Learning Community, I am very happy to join KIS International School as the new PYP coordinator.
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