
Why we should be learning designers

In today’s fast-paced and constantly changing world, it’s more important than ever for students to develop critical thinking skills. With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence, many jobs that require rote memorization or basic skills are becoming automated. However, machines cannot replicate the ability to think creatively, solve complex problems, or innovate. Therefore, it’s crucial for students to develop their critical thinking skills, so they can adapt to the changing demands of the workforce and become lifelong learners. When students are taught to think critically, they are able to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make informed decisions. This not only helps them in their academic pursuits but also in their personal and professional lives. By encouraging students to think critically, teachers are preparing them for success in the 21st century.

Intrinsic motivation, student agency, and the changing role of primary school teachers are all crucial elements of modern education. In traditional classrooms, teachers were considered the authority figure, and students were expected to follow instructions and absorb information. However, with the rise of design thinking and student-centered learning, the role of primary school teachers is changing. Teachers are now becoming partners in learning, helping students develop their intrinsic motivation and agency.

Intrinsic motivation is the desire to learn and improve because of the inherent enjoyment of the task. It is the opposite of extrinsic motivation, where the motivation to learn comes from external rewards such as grades or praise. Intrinsic motivation is essential for students because it leads to deeper learning and a better understanding of the subject. Teachers can help students develop their intrinsic motivation by providing meaningful and engaging learning experiences.

Student agency is the ability of students to take control of their learning process. It involves setting goals, making decisions, and taking responsibility for their learning. When students have agency, they are more engaged and invested in their education. Teachers can encourage student agency by giving students choices in their learning, allowing them to pursue their interests, and providing opportunities for self-reflection.

The changing role of primary school teachers involves moving from an authority figure to a partner in learning. Teachers are no longer the sole source of knowledge but rather facilitators of learning. They guide students through the learning process, providing support and feedback. Teachers also collaborate with students to design learning experiences that are meaningful and engaging.

Design thinking is an approach that can guide the learning process. It involves identifying a problem, gathering information, generating ideas, prototyping solutions, and testing them. Design thinking is a student-centered approach that encourages collaboration and creativity. By using design thinking, teachers can help students develop their critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

“When students cheat on exams, it’s because our school system values grades more than students value learning.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, once said,

This quote highlights the importance of intrinsic motivation and student agency in education. When students are only focused on getting good grades, they are less likely to be motivated by the learning itself. Teachers need to shift their focus from grades to learning, creating an environment where students are encouraged to take control of their learning process and develop their intrinsic motivation.

Student-led conferences are an effective way to increase student agency and intrinsic motivation in primary education. In a traditional parent-teacher conference, the teacher is the sole source of information about the student’s progress. However, in a student-led conference, the student takes control of the conversation, presenting their work and reflecting on their learning progress. This process not only helps the student develop vital communication and self-management skills but also gives them ownership of their learning. By sharing their successes and challenges, students become more invested in their education, leading to greater intrinsic motivation. Additionally, student-led conferences allow parents to see their child’s growth and development firsthand, fostering a stronger partnership between parents, students, and teachers in supporting the child’s learning journey.

In conclusion, intrinsic motivation, student agency, and the changing role of primary school teachers are essential elements of modern education. Teachers must become partners in learning, helping students develop their intrinsic motivation and agency. Design thinking can guide the learning process, creating engaging and meaningful learning experiences. By shifting the focus from grades to learning, teachers can help students become lifelong learners who are motivated by the joy of learning.

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