Curriculum HOW-TO Teaching


Running Records

One of my favorite aspects of using ICT in the classroom is when it makes my job a lot easier! Using KIDSA-Z is not just fun but it is pretty useful too. Giving students  assignments allows individual tracking and correct reading level support!

How to Use Assignments

Self-Paced Assignments
Students receive self-paced assignments based on the information you enter when you roster them. It easy for you to adjust the default starting point if you feel at any time the student should be moved within the instructional sequence.

Custom Assignments
Create custom assignments to focus on particular needs or interests. When students have completed a custom assignment, they automatically return to their existing self-paced assignment.

Assigning Assessments
Assessments help you place students at the appropriate level or starting point within an instructional sequence, identify special instruction needs, or help monitor students’ progress.

Reports Inform Assignments
Student activity and performance are tracked in Reports. Reports for your class inform you about whole-class or small-group instructional opportunities, and individual student reports inform you about opportunities to differentiate your instruction for each student.

Be sure to visit my RAZ-KIDS page for detailed instructions.


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